Happy 4 month b-day Libby-girl! I think you are the cutest! For funny pictures of my bebe click here. (My Mom and little sis thought I would be mad when they told me how they spent the afternoon with my daughter...dressing her up at Nordstroms. I said, as long as she's happy and my Mom assured me she was all sorts of smiles. Girl after my own heart. Ha.)
As you can probably guess...Libby was my favorite thing of 2009! What was yours?
Happy New Year
4 month dr stats:
weight- 12 lbs 5 oz 23%
height- 24.5 in 57%
4 month dr stats:
weight- 12 lbs 5 oz 23%
height- 24.5 in 57%
head- 16.2 in. 57%
Hmmm...I need to think about that some more...
Can I copy you and say Libby was my best thing of 2009 too?!!!!!
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